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General Rules
1. Use common sense. 
2. If you find yourself using a loophole in the rules to your advantage, it is likely you are breaking at least one other rule.
3. Respect all players and staff. 
4. Crossfire is counted as RDM.
5. Spamming and/or racism is forbidden in both advert and OOC chat. 
6. Spawn is a neutral zone 
7. Running into spawn to avoid any roleplay situation is considered FailRP. 
9. Both body and prop climbing is forbidden. 
10. Do not FailRP *FailRP is doing something against the rules or your job rules/description. 
11. Voice-changers are allowed just be sure to shut them off if a staff member requests it if not you will be muted. 
12. If you fall outside of the map, you are required to request for help. Failure to do so will be seen as exploiting/abuse. 
13. If you are carrying exploited cash in your wallet and not seeking to remove it your whole wallet will be reset. 
14. Only Kidnappers can kidnap, no other class can. (Exceptions may apply for custom jobs) 
15. Chain adverts are allowed! They must be relative to each other and not bunched up into 1 big advert. Example: ?advert Raid/Raid Assist 
16. No BAITING. (ex. Having a gun out to bait a cop into arresting you 
17. No Meta Gaming. (Using out of character info to benefit you in game) 
18. Warnings have to be spaced 5 seconds apart, and you must do a minimum of 3 warnings prior to taking action. (Exceptions may apply) 
19. If you have a custom job, and have it in your description that you can role play as PD. You must put PD in front of your RP NAME and JOB name. (Must advert that you are now PD as well) 
20. You cannot steal, move, or pocket somebody's tip jar. 
21. No Camera Spamming. 
22. Scamming is prohibited. (Also Donation and RP wise) 
23. You must have permission to assist raids or any criminal activity before you do so. Just because you know someone doesn't make it alright to tag along and assist. 
24. Being in ANY PD controlled area is an automatic KOS if you are not apart of PD staff. 
25. Do not spawn any more than 5 IEDs at a time. 
26. Being racist in general is not allowed. (This includes calling people a fag.)
Basing Rules
1. You may only base where there is room to base. (Don't base in the middle of the street, base in tunnels/vents or in a building.) 
2. You may not own more than one house at a time. 
3. There is a limit of 2 keycard scanners per fading door, with a minimum hold timer of 6 seconds and a maximum delay timer of 2 seconds. You may NOT have keycard scanners that do not open anything as decoys. 
4. Both prop-blocking and no-collide props are forbidden. (Exceptions may apply) 
5. One-way props are unacceptable, even partial one ways.
6. No crouch, hurdle, or maze bases.
7. You may not have any contraband (money printers, weed, etc.) while you have a building sign up. 
8. When building a base, you may have a building sign outside the base for a maximum of 15 minutes. 
9. YOU MAY NOT BUILD RANDOMLY IN THE TOWN (Exceptions to PD, Hobos, Troll, and certain custom classes). Anything you build may not block off paths in the town. If people are forced to walk around whatever you built, you will be forced to remove your props. You also may not build anything that is deemed unacceptable by any given staff member (Highest rank has final say). 
10. You may not have any major advantages in your base.(e.g Height advantage, Black Boxes (of any color). 
11. Keycard scanners must be clearly visible, next to the prop they open. (No materializing/coloring or placing it far from the fading door) 
12. Maximum of 4 fading doors per base. 
13. Hobo's cannot have a KOS line. 
14. Hobo's can not close off their weed with a fading door or prop block. 
15. KOS signs must have a minimum loitering time of 10 seconds and you must advert at least 1 warning within the 10 seconds. 
16. If there is a KOS sign that also has KOS with weapons out you must also advert a warn and wait 3 seconds before killing them. 17. Having a KOS sign containing reasons such as KOS if I don't like you or KOS if being annoying is considered FailRP unless it is taken down/edited.
Printer/Bitcoin Rules
Police Chief and Police may not own printers, nor can they use them.If non-VIP, you may not buy, sell, or use VIP printers (Unless you raided a base, and took the printer). The President may own up to two printers each. Hobos may not own printers. Only classes that can raid may steal printers. Raiding Rules You cannot raid with any job. You can only raid with these: Thief Smuggler Inmate Master Thief Other Classes That Have It In DescriptionYou must /advert raid to start a raid. Raids may only last 10 minutes. Police Department (PD) raids may last up to 5 minutes or until each member of the raiding party has been killed and have a cooldown of 15 minutes. (NLR does not effect PD during pd raids) After dying during a raid, you must wait in spawn until the person who started the raid does /advert over. There is NLR in raiding so if you die in a raid you cannot come back until it is over. (Unless PD during a PD Raid) You CANNOT lockpick fading doors. You must use your keycard hacker. (PD)Raid and (PD)Raid assist are on the same cooldown! (PD raid is still seperate from regular raid) If you are being raided you cannot blowup your printers or it will be considered FailRP. You cannot raid hobos. (Exceptions may apply if they have weed and are blocking it off with props) You must start PD raids right outside of the PD. You cannot leave during a raid. You must start a raid outside of the property you are raiding. You can raid for up to 10 minutes. (NLR does not effect PD during isolation raids/takeovers). Cooldown for Bank raiding is 10 minutes, however you CANNOT raid the same person within 30 minutes. The cooldown for raiding is 10 minutes, however you CANNOT raid the same person within 30 minutes. In order to raid the town hall you must first /advert Town Hall Raid The has a 15 minute GLOBAL cooldown. Town Hall Raid and Town Hall Raid Assist have the same cooldown. Town Hall Raids have the same rules as PD Raids and therefore the PD can defend the Warden during this raid. In order to raid the bank you must first /advert Bank Raid This has a 15 minute GLOBAL cooldown. Bank Raid and Bank Raid Assist have the same cooldown. Bank Raids have the same rules as PD Raids and therefore the PD can defend the bank during this raid.
DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING [x] No ghosting while in spectator mode or when dead [x] No racist or sexually abusive comments toward others[x] No impersonating staff members [x] No being disrespectful to other players or staff[x] No threatening to DDoS or take down our network [perm-ban and IP logging] [x] No asking for other players personal information (IE: home address, phone number)